With the imminent move and everything else that has happened this month (the cat has deflated, by the way, all by itself!) I need a nice holiday. Heck! I need a nice long holiday, preferably in a nice luxury hotel.

A bedroom like that would suit me just fine!
So to my surprise, I have found a competition being held by Radisson Blu. It's called The Greatest Holiday in the world.
Radisson Blu are offering 365 hotel nights to spend in more than 200 Radisson Blu hotels across the world over a period of 5 years. 1 year of free hotel nights! I immediately imagined that the process to win such a luxury prize would be quite daunting, like writing a novel or something along those lines. But no, it is very simple. You need to visit their website, the greatest holiday in the world, and leave an entry describing why you deserve to win. You can also upload videos or pictures to make your point even further. I'm sure if these people witnessed a day in my life, they would award me the prize straight away! Visitors to the website vote for their favourite entry and whoever has the most votes by July 24th gets to win the prize. Easy!
Please note that this competition is only opened to EU citizens, or citizens from Norway, Liechstenstein, Iceland and Switzerland.
On top of this competition, they are also holding Creativity Awards. Every week, the people at Radisson Blu select 10 of the most creative, funny and original entries and award them with a special Creativity Badge (and a special Radisson Blu prize too). But winning a Creativity award will not only allow you to win that but it will also raise your profile and drive more traffic to your entry, hence the potential to earn more votes. Does that make sense? Are you still following me?

Now, it's time to put my thinking cap on and come up with the most witty, funny, original fantastical entry that will win the judges hearts.
Would you enter? Why would you say you deserve that fantastic prize? Leave us a little comment and let us know!
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