The first thing I thought was 'Oh no, I don't have any of those really trendy shoes to show. Or those special occasion shoes.' Now don't get me wrong, I love shoes. I know about the Louboutins and the Manolo whats-his-name (only joking, I know who Manolo Blahnik is). I love looking at shoes in the shops, I am strangely attracted to the wackiest Red or Dead ones, or very very high heels. But, when it comes to buying them, well, not for me thanks. The risk of spraining my ankles and falling flat on my face with a baby in my arms is too present for me to even consider buying high heels. Not such the yummy mummy, I guess. I have shoes though, of course I do. But I'm not that big of a shoe owner (some would probably argue that 7 pairs of shoes is plenty but really, it's not). But, in the spirit of the game, I took a good look at my shoe collection and I realized something. I'm all about comfort. And I'm quite flat, well not me, my shoes are. And it is not necessarily a good thing when you're only 5'4. I own 2 pairs of heels. One boring black pair that I used to wear to the what- do- you- call- it, office, that's it, the office. And a more fancy (by fancy I mean that they have a little flower on them. Whoo hoo talk about fancy!) brown pair that comes out, well, maybe twice a year if they're lucky. I have had a lot of problem with my toenails (but don't worry, you won't get any of the gory details) and hate my toes too, so I have none of those peep toes ones.
I am also a creature of habit. I believe that when you're onto a winner, you don't let go. Which probably explains why I own about 20 tops from Petit Bateau, usually the same type in 2 different colours. Or 2 pairs of tennis flats, again same model, different colour. Or that I am on my 4th pair of Kickers. Now, before you think that I took a picture standing on my tippy toes or that these are Marie's shoes, I wish to confirm that these are MY feet, flat on the ground, and these are MY shoes. What can I do, I am only a teeny size 3. So without further a do, here are my shoes.
I bought my first pair of Kickers at the tender age of 17 and never looked back. This is now my 4th pair. And when these will be in such a shape that I need to buy shoes, I will go and get another pair of them. Some will say I am holding on to my youth and I probably am. I just LOVE them, they are fun without being too crazy, classical in a non conformist way, comfortable and durable. What's not to love.
And when I grow old and consider myself not rebellious enough to wear them, well, I'll probably move onto these.

It is now time to tag other wonderful bloggers:
- Caroline at Last of the Mojitos.
- Jen at Autism, the King and I.
- Diney at Older mums are fun.
- Chic Mama.
- And Heather at Notes from Lapland.
Go on, ladies, show us your shoes!